Carly Weinstein

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5-Minute Chocolate Soufflé (gluten-free)

Ever crave something sweet but don't feel like going through the process of baking? This double-serving soufflé recipe is decadent and the perfect thing for you to whip up for you and a friend or significant other. Huge bonus- They are gluten-free! Now hurry up and go make this mouth-watering deliciousness!!

Recipe (makes 2 servings)

Dry ingredients
2 tbsp coconut flour
3 tbsp maple syrup
2 tbsp cocoa powder
Pinch salt
2 Pinches baking powder

Wet ingredients
1 egg
3 tbsp Greek yogurt
2 tbsp almond milk
Splash of vanilla extract

Fold dry ingredients slowly into wet ingredients in a large bowl and then transfer into 2 soufflé bowls or 2 small mugs. Microwave for 2 1/2 minutes & garnish with powdered sugar & dark chocolate chips