Carly Weinstein

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How I Reset My Diet After a Vacation

What do vacations, holidays, and long weekends all have in common?

Relaxation, of course! This might mean taking a few steps back from your typical workout routine or indulging a little more than usual. I live a balanced lifestyle as it is, but I do consider myself to be healthy most of the time, so during these down times I make sure to treat myself and enjoy.

I don't believe in detoxes or any type of diet, however, I am extremely in-touch with my body. Usually after these relaxation periods, instead of telling myself what I should be eating, I really listen to what my body is craving, which allows me to understand what nutrients I need the most.

It also is sometimes difficult to get back into your usual routine when you still feel like you're in relaxation mode. To get myself feeling motivated and energized, I also incorporate some extra healthy habits into my daily routine. Keep reading to learn how I hit the reset button on my lifestyle after a break.

how to reset your diet after a vacation by au courant life

increase fiber to reset and detoxify by au courant life

Above all, I want to remind you that the main idea of following these tips is not to lose weight. I focus solely on nutrition and treating my body right so that I can live a long, healthy life, feel my best, and prevent physical & mental illness.

Along with following these tips, I recommend you also really listen to your body. Try to remember what it feels like when you get hungry and when you get full. Think about what foods make you feel energetic and good versus sluggish and bloated. Your body is constantly guiding you and telling you what's best, so the best thing you can do is listen & give it what it needs.

How do you reset after a break? Share your tips in the comments below :)