Do-It-Anywhere Fat-Blasting Workout


As you probably know- I love to work out. However, I like to keep it fun and interesting too. I am never the type to go on the elliptical for an hour, but instead I gravitate towards fast-paced exercises that keep my mind constantly occupied. Although I'm no fitness expert, I have learned a lot from being a competitive gymnast my whole life, and specifically about how to target various muscle groups to get the best results.

I created this workout so that you can pair it with 30-40 minutes of cardio, or to just do on its own! Either way, it is effective and will leave you sweating after. It combines intervals of cardio and strength training so that you can burn fat and gain lean muscle all in one! I encourage everyone to give this a try and then to comment or send me a message to let me know how it goes. I love & value your feedback :)

Repeat 1X for 10 minutes, 2X for 20 minutes

Quick Warm-Up: Do fast-paced jumping jacks for 1 minute

Step-Out Alternating Lunges: 1 minute


Burpee + Pushup : 30 seconds


Down, Down, Up, Up: 30 seconds

Skiiers: 1 minute


Tuck up + side to side: 1 minute


Jumping squats: 1 minute


Crawl down, push-up, crawl up: 1 minute


High Knees: 1 minute


Tricep dips w/ one leg lifted: 1 minute (30 seconds per leg)

Jumping Alternating Lunges: 1 minute

Congrats! You did it!! Now stretch & relax :)