How to Motivate Yourself This Week


During the winter, I think we all hit a wall at some point and start to lack motivation. When the weather is cold and the stress is high, our brains sometimes cause us to have the urge to shut off. If you have ever experienced this happening, the first thing you can do is come to terms with it and forgive yourself for feeling this way. We're human after all! However, after you do allow yourself to get some rest and unwind, you then must find ways to re-motivate yourself & bring back your routine.


Move on Monday

The first & best thing you can do is get a solid workout in. The best day & time to get moving is Monday morning because this is going to be the peak of your motivation and energy for the week. You have a fresh start and you have the ability to get it out of the way right when you wake up so that it sets the tone for your productivity for the rest of the day and week. Click the photo to the left for the perfect fat-blasting workout to start your week with!


Set Intentions

An easy way to discipline yourself to get things done is to plan out what you are going to do for the day. Every morning I make a list in my notes of all the things I need to complete for the day and then I cross each thing off as I go. I try to make the list as detailed and concise as possible and even plan out when I'm going to eat meals and work out so that I can fit in everything I want to.



Although not everyone believes in the power of meditation, studies prove that meditating 10 minutes a day can majorly improve your productivity. In the morning right after you wake, take 10 minutes to think positive thoughts and take deep breaths. This is a great time to think about all the things you are thankful for and think about all the things you love about yourself and your life. You can also choose to meditate in any other environment that you find relaxing for you. 


Share with Friends

Sharing your goals with your friends and family is a great way to hold yourself accountable. In order to be successful, every person needs a solid support system that keeps them motivated and in check. This is also a way for you to hold your friends accountable as well if they also share the desire to improve themselves in some way.

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Set Small Achievable Goals

Rome wasn't built in a day, so set goals for yourself that you are confident you will be able to complete and feel good about at the end of each day. If your goals are aimed too high, you risk actually regressing and falling back into old habits even harder than before. This is because when your brain gets overwhelmed, its natural reaction is to self destruct and go into panic mode instead of working to improve.