Yoga & Circuit Training Combo
Cobra + hamstring stretch
I have been working on several different routines for a few weeks now that I am going to be shooting and sharing with you over the next few months. They are all different types of workouts, work different body parts, and range in length. I know that finding routines that are enjoyable is hard, which is why I want to introduce new workouts to you and hopefully get you to find at least one you really love and want to continue doing.
This first routine combines basic yoga and full body circuit training. The warm-up and cool-down will stretch you and target specific body parts through slow movements while the circuits will get your heart rate going and blast fat. Make sure you refer to the photos if you are not sure what a certain move is.
I hope you guys enjoy & I am looking forward to hearing some feedback after you've tried it out :)
Downward dog
Basic plank position
Glute pulses
Seated pike position
Pilates saw (switch sides)
Straddle reaching into middle
Reclining hand to big toe Pose (switch legs X10)
Warrior 2
Triangle pose
Warrior 3
Pigeon pose
Pigeon with twist
Standing pike stretch