Staying Healthy on Vacation
This past week I was in the Grand Cayman Islands, and it had me thinking about doing a post on staying healthy when you're on vacation. Although everyone has different perspectives depending on their lifestyle, I really enjoy working out during vacation. Yes, it's a time to indulge and order dessert, but that doesn't mean I completely go off track of being healthy and just go crazy every day. Here's what I did on vacay to stay healthy & fit while also enjoying myself :)
Starting With a Healthy Breakfast
Organic plain yogurt with granola & fruit
Egg white omelette with tomatoes & peppers; side of pineapple and small portion of potatoes
Sunny side up egg & whole wheat toast with avocado
Moving My Body
When you get the whole room to yourself >>
Family workouts help me stay motivated and make things fun and special
Snacking Smartly
When I got hungry during the day, I tried to make smart, light, and filling choices so that I could save up for a bigger dinner later on. This was my favorite snack of the week..I got it on the beach almost every day!
Making Adjustments (I'm the Queen of this)
This chicken dish came over pasta with cream sauce, but I asked for mixed veggies instead of pasta and teriyaki sauce instead of the cream sauce.
This salad came with cheddar cheese and ranch dressing, but I asked for no cheddar and a red wine vinaigrette on the side instead of the ranch.
Eating What I Crave
The best way to feel fully satiated after a meal is to eat what you truly crave. It doesn't mean eat a ton of it, it rather means you should order what you really want (no matter how unhealthy) and plan for that meal ahead of time. If I knew I really wanted pasta for dinner, I would make sure I didn't fill up too much during the day so that I could really enjoy that dish and eat it mindfully.